
Shiva Trust's

Shivajirao Pawar College Of Pharmacy

Pachegaon, Nevasa

Affiliated by: B.Pharmacy - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Raigad,
D.Pharmacy -Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai,
Approved by:Pharmacy Council of India(PCI),New Delhi

Complaints of Caste Discrimination/Grievances

Sr No Name of the Member Designation Committee Designation Contact
1Mr. Ramteke K.H.PrincipalChairman9822420752
2Mr.Shete A. S.Asst. ProfessorSecretory9975767697
3Mr. Garje S.D.Asst. ProfessorMember8308738413
4Mr.Shaikh M.S.Asst. ProfessorMember9623782555
5Miss. Deshmukh R.B.LecturerMember9552162107


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