
Shiva Trust's

Shivajirao Pawar College Of Pharmacy

Pachegaon, Nevasa

Affiliated by: B.Pharmacy - Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Raigad,
D.Pharmacy -Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai,
Approved by:Pharmacy Council of India(PCI),New Delhi

Department of Pharmacology

Pharmacology deals with the study of drug’s mechanism of action, therapeutic effects, adverse effects, drug interactions etc. The Department provides a vibrant and dynamic environment for conducting high quality teaching. The knowledge derived from pharmacology can be used in “Pharmacy” to achieve optimal therapeutic outcome through preparation of appropriate formulation and dispensing of medicine. The laboratory is well equipped with instruments like electric convulsometer, digital analgesiometer, with other routinely required instruments like digital student's organ bath and Kymograph etc, to give hands on experience in preclinical studies to the students. The scope of pharmacological training provides opportunities to the pharmacy students in hospital and clinical pharmacy, academia, industry and government organization etc.
Sr No Name of Faculty Qualification
1Mr. Shaikh .M.SM.Pharm
2Mr. Shinde .R.BM.Pharm
3Miss. Shirsath .M.SB.Pharm


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